Controls: LMB. Yeah, that's it.

You overslept BIG TIME. Now you only have TEN seconds to prepare everything you need for work. Good luck, I guess!

MEGA ZEITNOT is a game made for lame jam 7 in about 16 hours (30 if you count the breaks). Sorry, I kinda went all-out :D

Have fun playing!

List of all the endings:

EndingHow to get
Off To Work (Main)Wait until the time runs out
Back To Bed (Main)Get in bed
Annoyed NeighboursForget to turn off the alarm
High FashionWear a dress
Work ReadyWear the suit-pants-hat combo
Bad HomeworkForget to throw away your garbage papers
Messy RoomPut something from the wardrobe or the briefcase into the room
Inappropriate!Wear nothing to work
Bed SuitWear a full suit or a dress to bed
Just Five More MinutesTurn off the alarm before going back to bed
Responsible DisposalThrow something in the trash
Throwaway JobThrow your important paper in the trash
F-word Everything!!Be very responsible (wear a full suit, turn off the alarm, throw away all the garbage) and then just go back to bed

Made withGameMaker


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Oddly fun. I could do every achievement except the last one, because I’m on a touchpad.

Oops, I didn't think of touchpad users. Sorry! :D

There's nothing extra if you get all the endings anyway, so you're not missing out. Thank you for playing!